Wednesday, June 30, 2021



When political leaders -- all through history -- get crowds to cheer lies, fear and hate,  they do so for a reason.

It works.   

According to French historian and philosopher --Voltaire-  those who can make you believe absurd lies -- and make you invade torture and kill,  or as he said it (Translated) 

Voltaire was speaking/ writing about crowds--something he Voltaire knew well,  being alive during the French Revolution


Newspaper headline about Lincoln


You might be surprised that, by (and why), Lincoln was hated and feared -- in the NORTH in 1858.


It did not even end there -- Lincoln would have 
"Niggers" be your judge,  and "Niggers" be on your jury.

Is that what you want?


Robert Hitts --the official "stenographer"  of the debates, correctly claimed Douglas never said the word "Negro"- - instead Douglas used "Nigger."

More importantly,  Douglas used that word in a cruel way, almost spitting the word out in Quincy debate.

Douglas was dramatic -- loud,  almost an actor rather than a speaker. Horace Greeley claimed -- no one disagreed -- that Douglas was best "stump speaker" of that era.

Douglas was so powerful a speaker that Greeley -- an abolitionist -- wanted Douglas to run, instead of Lincoln,  in the Republican party!  Lincoln had to work "behind the scenes"  to stop Greeley foolish effort to get Douglas to on the Republican ticket.


To understand the Lincoln Douglas debates- -without which we can not understand slavery and the Civil War -- we need to know that many whites in Illinois had never even seen a black person - much less seen or interacted with a free black.

For political gain (and it worked)  Douglas others  made sure whites believes that free blacks would take white women if they were free. 

While Lincoln was personally popular to nearly everyone he met, (even Stephen Douglas liked and traveled with Lincoln early on. In fact they slept in the same bed,  as lawyers did necessarily at that time).


Yet Stephen A Douglas both created and pumped up the hatred for blacks -- so that whites would hate/fear Lincoln too.

My 1854, long before the Lincoln Douglas debates -- Douglas attacked others in the same way!  

By 1858, the year of the debates,  Douglas was exceedingly versed and capable of getting crowds to hate anyone -- using this exact skill.

Lincoln, of course, was equally aware of what Douglas would use.  Lincoln formed a rebuttal,  a response,  which you can see here on this video, used in a 1939 film.  

Interestingly,  there  was still a few people alive in 1858,  when this film  was shown at the theaters in 1939

It was not just Douglas's claim "your daughters will sleep with N.....".  

Not just words -- but Douglas was dramatic -- he punt on a how.  He had a brass band leading the way.

Douglas arrived on a private train,  and had cannon fire off as he got off the train. He was carried to the debate stage by a group of strong men.


Also Douglas had a group of women arrive on the train with him. 

The women dressed in sashes -- with the words "NO MAN BUT A WHITE MAN" .  

You may not know this -- but this was Douglas's big promise: elect me -- "Niggers" will not be around your wife, your daughters, or your children.

That was the center of his campaign 


Illinois legislature in 1856,  made it illegal -- illegal -- for blacks to move into the state. your daughters.  

Douglas was eagerly in favor of that for years.

If any black person came into the state,  they could be arrested and even punished by whip -- if they did not flee the state when ordered to do so.

Douglas -- in all of the debates --told the crowds that Lincoln did not want you to have the right to remove blacks from the state.  He wanted "Niggers" to sleep with your daughters.  Lincoln gets to decide that, not you,  was a basic Douglas point in the first debate, August 21, in Ottawa Illinois 

At the time Douglas would even walk side to side on the stage-- stop suddenly, and dramatically says things like this

That was all lies, of course.   But enough people believed it. The point here is - lies work.

Why did the crowds believe?

 Not all believed, but nearly everyone feared the idea black men would be free to roam the North and interact with white women. 

Nor did Lincoln have any intention to "force" white women to "marry and sleep" with black men (that's the vision Douglas put in the minds of many in the crowds. 

Lincoln purpose, as he said over and over,  was to prevent the "machinery" created by Jeff Davis and Stephen A Douglas, (and others Lincoln named) to spread slavery to all of the US.  

That machinery -- as we all should know - was the Kansas Act and Dred Scott decision.  Most history teachers do not even bother to instruct their students that Lincoln, over and over, exposed Kansas Act as being such "machinery."

Nor do teachers nor text books even mention that Lincoln gave the names of though responsible for this "machinery" -- Jeff Davis,  Stephen A Douglas,  Roger Taney,  were three of the names.

Plot is another word for machinery. 

 This "machinery" was carefully designed by words carefully inserted  in both the Kansas Act and Dred Scott decision.  


 Lincoln revealed the deception (the machinery,  the plot)  in great detail.   At great length.  

Nothing - nothing was more basic that this plan, already in progress. 

 Jeff Davis had ALREADY -- ALREADY sent two groups of paid men to invade terrorize and kill Kansas Citizens,  

This was no secret.   

Anyone paying attention knew that  by the time Lincoln even ran for President.  

You had to be in a coma, or living as a hermit, no not know South leaders already sent two groups of killers to invade Kansas, specifically to terrorize and kill to spread slavery there, and justified it by the Kansas Act.

*It was well known -- at the time -- that 95% of Kansas Citizens were against slavery.  Stephen A Douglas famously said so.

* The only reason Jeff Davis needed or wanted to send paid killers to invade Kansas was exactly this -- 95% of Kansas Citizens were against slavery.

* Davis,  as planned, justified sending paid killers to Kansas on the Kansas Act and later added Dred Scott decision to his justification.

* Davis sent US Senator David Rice Atchsions as Citizens were against slavery.
2000 more men
And US Troops To Protect them

It was also well known -- at the time --  South leaders send thousands of paid men (paid is a big deal) to invade Kansas, in 1856---because his first group of men did not work 

We fail even to teach that much.

Jeff Davis never denied it -- rather, Jeff Davis justified his invasions and his use paid killers in 1856.

He was not ashamed of it -- he was proud of it.  Remember,  he was justified by God.  He was justified by Kansas Act and Dred Scott decision.

And -- remember his big lie all through his life -- slaves are "the most contended laborers on earth. "      They have "natural affection for the master.

It was a cruelty to NOT enslave blacks, according to Jeff Davis.  The "Great moral truth" of the Confederacy,  according to Jeff Davis and his VP, Alexander Stephen, as that God ordained slavery.  It was their duty to spread slavery.  That was the "foundation" of the Confederacy!

Likewise Davis justified using US troops he personally sent to Kansas 

Lincoln used both terms.

 And it was not merely Stephen A Douglas
Douglas was not the only one -- hundreds of newspapers put out basically  the same thing.  Such as the Indiana newspaper which claimed Lincoln made "attractive white married women" to "run off with Niggers."

It was a lie of course -- attractive married white women did not run off with "Niggers."

But much like liars then, now, and in all human history,  liars outdo each other for attention by extreme lies created to make crowds and the public hate and fear.

If you were never taught that- - you could not know, unless you were there.  The bigger issue for our purposes is this:  Our history text books do not even hint this basic aspect of our Civil War and slavery, much less teach it as basic.

Never mind that  nothing was more basic,  than Douglas, and men like him, pumping up hate and fear not only of blacks, but pump up hate and fear of anyone who dared even mention equality of any kind,  in any form.

Even then,  Senator Atchison and Jeff Davis  used hired -- hired -- killers,  when they could not get enough men to invade and kill for free.

We know that because Atchison boasted about his paid men -- men from Texas and Missouri.

Virtually no citizens of Kansas took part in Atchison's killing sprees (which is what they were.


"The happiest day of my life"  said Senator -- yes Senator-- David Rice Atchison.

He called it a joy -a joy!-- to violenctly spread slavery.

Cheer killing 
Stephen Douglas's best friend and partner who used paid killers to invade torture and kill to spread slavery -- David Rice Atchison




WHO   WHY HOW.......

✔️    IT WORKED  


It's important to know 

It's important to know Stephen A Douglas early on agreed completely with Lincoln -- slavery had to end,  and the best way to end it over time -- stop the spread of it.

Then -- when Jeff Davis wanted Douglas to help Davis spread slavery-- Douglas eagerly cooperated (worked for) Davis.    crowds to yell "Down with N*ggers,
How to end slavery?  

By freedom of the press,  and freedom of religion.  

But South leaders by 1840s made it a crime  -- a crime punishable by public torture -- to preach or speak publicly against slavery.


If you did not know that South leaders made it a crime to preach or speak   p publicaly against slavery -- slap your teacher. 

Nothing mattered more.

For a time, the South  had more anti-slavery publications than the North - and necessarily so.

But as slaves esecaped or tried to reject slaver,  South leaders claimed slaves were content -- happy,  in fact Jeff Davis claimed slaves were the happiest (most contented) laborers on earth.

God himself,  said Davis and others, created slaves to be happy, and to toil in the hot sun.   Therefore,  slaves "heard the lie of freedom" and rebelled.

To have anyone preaching or speaking against slavery publically was ungodly...  and the cause of all misery,

South leaders made it a crime punishable by public torture -- yes they did -- to preach or speak -- or even to own a book against slavery.

They called these laws -- that made it  a crime punishable by torture - - "anti-incendiary laws"

Such "lies about freedom" made slaves "dissatified".   Slaves were happy and content "with affection for his master"  until slaves heard about freedom for their race. 

It was all a  lie -- God did not create the black race to be enslaved.   South leaders knew that --- but being lying evil bastards who eagerly tortured slaves, of course they would lie terrorize and torture.  Of course they would make speaking the truth about this a crime.


Hint, then and now,  "social equal" meant black men could date, sleep with and marry white women.

Even abolitionist-- see below- - were against ending slavery if black men could live among whites and have social interactions with white women.

Why peacefully?   Because most whites -- even in the North (as you will see) did not want to free slaves -- if that means slaves would live with whites as "SOCIAL EQUALS"  

It's also important to know -- Douglas helped Jeff Davis on Jeff Davis's  two part plan to spread slavery to all of the US --

1) Kansas Act--Douglas helped

2) Dred Scott decision--Douglas helped

Stephen Douglas personally helped Jeff Davis spread slavery by 

1) passing Kansas Act 

2) Douglas became  national spokesmen for Dred Scott by his feverish extreme speaking tour to sing the praise of Dred Scott decision.

 Kansas Act and Dred Scott decision -- by design, as intended,   deliberately,  gave Jeff Davis the justification of repeatedly sending paid killers to invade, torture and kill Kansas Citizens.

Unless Jeff Davis could get someone to push through Kansas Act -- and then push through  Dred Scott decision --  Davis has no excuse to invade and kill to spread slavery.

It was always, for Davis,  about spreading slavery.   He claimed -- and stupid shits went along with it -- that he had, they had, a duty to God to spread slavery.

Not to keep slavery -  but to SPREAD slavery,  Specifically to spread slavery to all of US,  and much of Latin America,

95% of Kansas Citizens (white males) were against slavery,  as Jeff Davis knew well.

 Not only did Stephen A Douglas famously say 19 of 20 (that's 95%) were anti-slavery, but when Kansas Citizens could vote on the issue without Jeff Davis's paid killers terrorizing them,  95% against slavery.


Davis however, claimed that even 95% against slavery does not matter.  Davis claimed It was "intolerable"  that Kansas Citizens, 95% or not, resisted slavery in Kansas- - because of the words in the Dred Scott decision.

From Jeff Davis own book -- "Rise and Fall"

Just as Lincoln exposed dozens, if not hundreds of times, those who pushed through  the Dred Scott decision and Kanas Act did so to excuse the violent spread -- spread -- of slavery to all of the US (and spread slavery FOR GOD into much of Latin America

Furthermore the entire reason for Davis to concoct the "perfect lie" of Dred Scott and Kansas Act as Lincoln called them,  was to do destroy the rights of anyone to resist slavery.

Therefore, unless stopped,  those who went to war to spread slavery (see below) would destroy the US or be destroyed by the US. 

Only one lives

Union or Slavery 

to send repeated groups to invade terrorize and kill -- was the overwhelming resistance to slavery of Kansas Citizens.  

Freedom of speech and other guarantees in the Constitution made it possible for newspapers and speakers to trash slavery and spread the news about the horrors of it- - the rapes, the tortures,  even burning to death of slaves who tried to escape.



Slave state leaders  by 1847 made it a crime -- a crime punishable by jail and whipping in the public square -- for those who spoke, or even preached openly against slavery.

In fact it was a crime just to own a book that was anti-slavery!


Before 1847,  there were more --not less -- anti slavery publications. 

 It was not always safe preach or publish anything against slavery,  but suddenly it was a crime. 

As more slaves escaped -- and some fought back when captured (it was the death penalty for any slave to injure a white person.  Some slaves were burned to death in front of other  slaves.

This was the direct result of the famous  ignored freedom of the press,  and made it a crime -- a crime punishable by arrest and public torture, for anyone to publish anti-slavery newspapers, or preach sermons against slavery. 

South shit heads claimed that allowing people to preach or speak publicly against slaver "made the slave dissatisfied."

As if the shit heads cared about "satisfaction"  of their slaves.

South shit heads insisted slaves "are the most satisficed laborers on earth."  designed that way by God!   Insane lies, of course.  But it got stupid shits to believe them.  As if they gave a fuck about the "satisfaction"  of their slaves
When slaves rebelled or tried to escape -- South chit head leaders, lunatics all, claimed- - slaves did so only because abolitionists lied to them!!!  

Abolitionist "made the slaves dissatisifed."

It was not the torture and rape and selling of children, the horrible labor they had to do -- it was the abolitionist that made slaves unhappy.

Abolitionist "whispered the lie of freedom"  into the slave's ear!   Abolitionist were to black for slaves trying to escape!!   As if the abolitionist could even speak to slaves!

   That was insane, but stupid shits, like Trump cult monkeys, will believe anything.



The excuse to make it a crime to speak or preach against slavery was that black

So extreme was the violence 

Lincoln and Douglas were friends, they travelled together,  even once slept in the same bed together (a common thing at the time*) 


A short fat man,  with a booming voice,  and a bigger ego,  craved attention.  According to Horace Greeley,  Douglas was the best speaker in the country.

No one drew bigger crowds than Douglas. 

Douglas was dramatic, loud, super-self confident. He easily got crowds to hate this person or that.

Douglas arrived at the debates in his own railroad car.  He was met by a brass band,  and a cannon shot to announce his arrival.


"No man but a white man"

Douglas even had a group of women with him in Charleston, the women wore on their bosom sashes.  Embraided on the sashed was the words "No man but a white man".

By design,  that  was a theme of Lincoln Douglas campaign, boiled down to "Lincoln wants Negros to sleep with your daughters."

A theme repeated in newspapers. 

Four out of five white men in Illinois,  according to Chicago and Bloomington newspapers-- hated or feared Lincoln in much of the state- - because Douglas (and newspapers) convinced them Lincoln would have their daughters kiss hug and even marry black men.

Idiotically, we fail to teach this in candid terms today.

Douglas made crowds laugh and hate at the same time.
It was only when Douglas learned he could get help from Jeff Davis to be President,  that Douglas flipped-- to helping slave power and Jeff Davis.

 Instead, like 


According to a guy named Frederick Douglass--Stephen A Douglas, more than anyone else in the country, pumped up hate for the black race -- and to hate Lincoln.

Douglas won that election.


A stunning number of folks assume slavery spread by legislation -- by votes of the public.    Oh fuck no.  Slavery never spread by any election.  One huge example, of course, Kansas.

95% of Kansas Citizens,  as admitted to by Stephen A Douglas himself, were against slavery.    Furthermore, when Kansas Citizens could get rid of Jeff Davis's paid killers he sent to Kansas starting 1854,  indeed, Kansas white male citizens rejected slavery by a vote of 95%.

Douglas, obviously, knew what he was talking about when he famously said 95% of Kansas Citizens (white males) were against slavery.


So why pass Kansas Act?   Douglas claimed that he 


Douglas repeatedly during the debates (See the Ottawa speech especially)  Lincoln would not dare go South to speak -- but correctly told the crowds he, Douglas,  could (and did) go anywhere, South or North.   

Douglas further made fun of Lincoln in the debates because  the State of Illinois recently (1854) made it a crime for blacks to even move into the state!

Douglas pumped up hate for the black race, and hate against anyone who dared speak for equality. Another basic thing Lincoln explained repeatedly.

We all want attention, of course, that is why humans speak.  Human infants must get attention or they perish,

 But lunatics and hate mongers who can use their voice and self confidence to fool the stupid --- use  tried and true way to get attention, and power.

Here are some of the ways Stephen A Douglas got attention from cheering crowds-- in the debates and in other speeches he made.... all lies and distortions -- but made with utter self confidence,  always giving part of the story.

 Not everyone believed those lies-- just like not everyone is stupid enough to believe Trump...
but everyone (including Lincoln) had to react to those lies.

How did Lincoln respond?

See for yourself.

It's not all about money -- the cliché is mistaken: it's all about ego.  Money follows those who can make stupid shits hateful and obedient. 

Those who pump up hate and lies to get crowds to cheer typically cause invasions wars,  spread of slavery,  and death.

Voltaire -- and dozens of others --- told future generations the most basic reality of humans in groups doing the most vile atrocities to other humans.

The shit heads that lie and pump up the hate -- do so for attention, which they crave.    That is their joy.   That is what they crave.

We should teach that basic truth -- for history,  for sociology,  for psychology,  starting junior high school.   And it should be taught every year after. 

Lincoln the "Nigger worshipper"  who wants your daughters to sleep with Niggers."   

We not only fail to teach that is why Stephen A Douglas defeated Lincoln  -- it's also why Booth put a bullet into Lincoln's brain.

You need to know that. And you should have been taught that -- repeatedly -- in US schools.

80% --- a stunning 4 out of 5 white males in much of the state--- hated or fear Lincoln "obsession" for equality of the races?

But -but but -- we are told Lincoln "did not care" about racial equality....  that Lincoln was for forced "colonization."  

Yet four of five men in Illinois- - at least outside of Northern Illinois -- were afraid Lincoln "wanted their daughters to sleep with -------"

Maybe context matters?

Lincoln -- since 1847 -- not only was hated for his "obsession"  for equality,  but Lincoln was hated for specific things. 

Things you probably did not know were true, much less know were extremely well know then.

Like Lincoln alone -- himself -- wrote and pushed emancipation legislation in 1849.  Notice the year - 1849.

Lincoln  hated for it -- feared for it,  at the time.  

Then --   as much or more than anyone else -- Lincoln caused much of the change in "sentiment" toward the black race -- enough so that by 1862 Lincoln signed legislation as President - much like the legislation he wrote as a Congressmen!

It might surprise you -- but it should not.    Everyone at the time knew this. 

 At the time, specifically by 1858, Lincoln was still one of the most hated or feared men in the North.

Even those in his home town of Springfield, even in the state of Illinois,  the legislature voted to make it a crime -a crime! -- for blacks to move into the state!

Can you name a political figure in US history who was more hated,  more attacked, more scorned, more feared  ( and who got a bullet to his brain for this efforts) than Lincoln?

Probably not. 

Not that everyone hated or feared Lincoln -- but millions did.  


 propaganda by lying bastards.
Hate does not fall from the sky like rain.  Rather hate  spreads much like viruses spread-- from person to person, infecting their thought patterns,  and their words. 

 The leading lying bastard -- in the North - was Stephen A Douglas. 


Long before Lincoln ran for President, Douglas was the most powerful -- and entertaining-- speaker in the US. 

 He drew the biggest crowds -- bigger than any other political figure, North or South.

Douglas could get a crowd to yell "Down with Niggers"  -- even though most people in the specific crowds had never seen a black person.   

Douglas would convince them that "Niggers" would sleep or "hug" or marry their daughters if Lincoln or his "abolitionist" friends got their way.

If that is what you want,  Douglas would tell the crowd already pumped up-- then Lincoln is your man.

(Douglas rarely used the word "Negro," according the official stenographer of Lincoln debates)

Check 500 or so newspapers of that era, North and South -- it was Douglas "mania" in a way, compared to others,  ever since the "Compromise"  of 1850.


     Pro tip     Lincoln said of the Compromise of 1850,

 "What Compromise?"

Indeed, it was no compromise --with South leaders promising more invasions and killing to spread slavery -- the North,  in hands of Stephen A Douglas -- gave slave power what they wanted.

What did they want?  Slave Power folks wanted to use the land just stolen from Mexico -- after US invaded and killed over 100,000 Mexican men women and children- - to use that land stolen for slavery.

Slave power folks promised Civil War if they did not get that land for slavery.

AND -- Slave Power folks demanded folks in the North help capture escaped blacks, and return them to the slave owner.

Idiotically, we call that a "compromise."  South shit heads would not invade and kill more, unless we gave them what they wanted.

We teach that as a compromise.   Lincoln correctly said "what compromise".

Worse-- if possible -- as soon as Slave power got what they wanted -- they demanded MORE -- more land for slavery.

 Why the 1850 "COMPROMISE"  was so fucking important -  but badly taught.

Your teacher should have told you that, and told you what Lincoln correctly said that.  1859  was not a compromise-- more like a robbery at a 7-11.    Give Slave Power what they want,  or they start killing in the North - again.

Worse, if possible,  the North caved -- gave Jeff Davis what he wanted at that moment,  then Davis and slave power wanted more.


All Douglas had to do was 

1) Trash Lincoln - make people fear him

2) Help Jeff Davis spread slavery to the Pacific.

3) It looked easy.  With Stephen A Douglas being the most powerful and popular speaker in US -- North and South!--  even Republicans wanted Douglas on their ticket.

Horace Greeley,  for example a big Republican and supposed "abolitionist"  wanted Douglas to run on the Republican ticket!  It  helps if you know that.


Lincoln had a hell of a time stopping Greeley's effort to put Steven A. Douglas on the ticket as a Republican.


 According to Chicago and Bloomington Papers, Douglas defeated Lincoln because Douglas convinced the public (with help from hundreds of newspapers)  that Lincoln would "have their daughters sleep with Niggers," and more.

The papers estimated that four -- four out of five-- white men believed Douglas's hate propaganda  that Lincoln would have their sons fight a "war of extinction" to free the slaves.   

And that Lincoln would have their daughters kiss- hug-- sleep with "Niggers"





Everyone claims -- especially  teachers, that they read the Lincoln Douglas debates.

And OF COURSE they know context they claim   But do they... if so, why not  teach it.?  


Ask your history teacher these questions: 

1) Why Douglas ran from the debates at first.

2) Why Lincoln chased   Douglas around the state to speak to the same crowd?

3) What happened nationally to cause Douglas to go on the most ambitious speaking tour of his life? 

4)What Douglas insisted on before he agreed to  the debates?

Maybe most important of all #5

5) Why Lincoln  called Kansas Act and Dred Scott decision as the "carefully crafted "machinery" (meaning plan --or justification) to violently spread slavery.)

For anyone teaching US history, even at a grade school level, should know the above answers.  


The answers were in the debates themselves,  if your history teacher actually read them closely


But the debates  are -- to many of us - confusing. Douglas made sure he kept Lincoln "off point" -- the point being Douglas was helping Jeff Davis spread slavery via the Kansas Act. 

Lincoln would get bogged down in "I said this here, and that there, because of this --" while Douglas spent much time (and time was limited by the rules) stirring up Lincoln to answer such questions.


What do these three shit heads have in common?

US Stephen A Douglas                  

Secretary of War Jeff Davis

US Senator Atchison

If you received a good grade in any US history course history course above 9th grad, but do not know -- slap your history teachers. 


Those three men passed the Kansas Act through Congress-- then those three men personally took the Kansas Act to President Pierce to sign.

What happened then?

Of course President Pierce signed it -- Kansas Act, as planned.   Pierce was in on Kansas Act "vile fraud"  from the start.  Kansas Act gave Pierce massive power to use paid men, and later US troops,  invade Kansas and to kill Kansas Citizens.

US Senator Atchison in 1854 led the first group of paid men to invade, terrorize, and later kill  Kansas CItizens to spread slavery not just to all of Kansas Territory,  but their goal was to spread slavery to the Pacific.

What happened then?

That first of group of paid men led by Senator Atchison -- by itself -- did not work as Davis hoped.  

So by 1856, Davis sent a second group of paid men - this time over paid 2000 men (mostly Texas men) to invade torture and kill to spread slavery not just to the entire Kansas Territory -- but to spread slavery to the Pacific,  and much of Latin America. -

What happened then?

When even this second group of paid men could not kill enough Kansas citizens to force them to approve a slave state


Pro tip-- if anyone - ever -"teaches" you about Dred Scott decision by starting with where he was born,   they are making you dumber.  Invariably such lessons do not even mention that Dred Scott decision,  as planed, and as used, 

1)  ordered that blacks are not human beings. They are inferior beings.

2) ordered that blacks can not be made or seen as human

3) Ordered that no legislator, no Congress can limit where slave owners take slaves. The slave owner decides where he takes his slaves.

4) ordered that the fed gov must help spread slavery -- even when 95% of the people in a given area voted against slavery

5) That no white man has to obey or respect any rights of black men or women.  Blacks have no right to life -- no right to liberty -- no right to pursuit of happiness.

5) ordered that the part of the Constitution which declared "all men are created equal with the right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness"  is of no effect

- Jeff Davis, Stephen Douglas,  Roger Taney came up with Dred Scott decision.  


Taney and Davis  hope the decision of the court  would shut everyone up who were against the killing sprees in Kansas.  

Remember  -- the shit  heads came up with Dred Decision because the earlier 3 invasions and killing sprees did not work to spread slavery.    The Dred decision -- they hoped, would give the shit heads "constitutional protection"  to not only torture and enslave blacks  - but prevent anyone from limiting where they can enslave, where they can torture, where they can rape slaves.


Ask them the specifics of what Roger Taney essentially ordered in Dred Scott decision.  

such as, that blacks are not human beings

such as -- blacks can not be seen as human. 

such as -- the federal government must protect the spread of slavery 

such as -- the Preamble to the Constitution (right to life, liberty and persuit of happiness) is a damnable lie and of no effect from that moment on.

They will look at you like your lost your damn mind.  Nothing -- nothing -- nothing was more important to Jeff Davis and Roger Taney and Stephen A Douglas-- who bragged about this things

Nothing -- nothing- was more important to Lincoln -- who exposed the bastards for this shit.

Nothing-- nothing -- was more important to 4 million slaves who could be raped, tortured and killed at the whip of lunatics -- protected by the US Constitution per Dred Scott decision

If your teacher did not know how important Dred Scott decision, don't slap the fool, that will just piss them off and get you arrested.   Just tell them to read the decision, and then learn how Jeff Davis justified the invasions and killings to spread slavery - which he did repeatedly,  by the Dred Scott decision.


 If you don't know why Lincoln wanted the debates --and why Douglas ran like a  coward until shamed into debates you don't know the Lincoln Douglas debates.  

Douglas ran from the debates because Douglas was busy being national spokesmen for Roger Taney and Jefferson Davis - specifically for the "Dred Scott decision."

It's hard to tell how many hundreds of times Lincoln -- correctly -- exposed Dred Scott decision, in detail, in context as the "carefully crafted" machinery to spread slavery.
  The point is -- nothing, nothing, was more important that the "machinery"  of Kansas Act and Dred Scott decision.   

So of course -- of course-- Lincoln wanted to,  was desperate to,  nail shit head Douglas for his role in Kansas Act and Dred Scott decision.  This is why Lincoln wanted the debates.

  Douglas's partner in both part of that machiner -- was Jefferson Davis.  This is why Douglas ran from the debates.

Now-  now you know more than some  history departments regarding the Lincoln Douglas debates. 

✔️Lincoln wanted those debate:  to expose the Stephen A Douglas partnership with Jefferson Davis. 

✔️  Douglas's role in both -- both Dred Scott decision, and Kansas Act.

✔️ Kansas Act -a "vile fraud"  according to Lincoln (correctly) by Jeff Davis and Stephen  Douglas

✔️ Davis and Roger Taney came up with Dred Scott decision.  Within days Douglas was out pushing Dred Scott decision as the answer to all ills

✔️Stephen A Douglas bragged in the debates that -- because of Dred Scott decision -- US will become "The Admiration and Terror of the World"

✔️The Dred Scott decision:  Douglas was de facto national spokesmen for Dred Scott decision,  until he (Douglas) and Jeff  Davis hated each other and wanted  each other hung. 

 Douglas would later claim he was not trying to help Davis, rather,  he was trying to set Davis up to be "taken out" militarily much sooner. 

See John Palmer's autobiography.



At one time -- this is important to know to make sense of the debate,  Stephen A Douglas was a Lincoln friend and travel companion - they even slept in the same bed on one trip.  They had the same goal for slavery -- to peacefully end it by stopping the spread of it, as founding fathers envisioned.


You don't know  if you only know US text book version of the era, and debated.

That friendship would all blow up  -- when DOuglas joined Jeff Davis's Kansas Act plan 1853.   Douglas not only joined Davis,  Douglas got Kansas Act to pass.

"No man of his time-- did more to intensify the hatred of the Negro than Stephen A DOuglas."

Was Frederick Douglass stupid when he wrote do Susan Anthony?  Hell no.  He was telling her what she already knew, what most humans already knew,  at the time.

 Douglas's newspaper North Star kept track of  hateful political people in the North. 

  Frederick Douglass was attacked -- and Lincoln attacked -  in the same lies,  by the same liars.   For example an Indiana newspaper headline was that Lincoln and Frederick Douglass -- by name --caused "attractive married white women"  to run off "with niggers."

Not only did the newspaper infer this was an ongoing crime,  but because of Lincoln (by name) and Frederick Douglass(by name, now white women (attractive married white women specifically) it "increasingly"  happened.

As with most lies by lying bastards,  the lying bastards presented no names.   Nor could they.  Lying bastards,  from Trump to Adolf to Stephen A Douglas,  just lie for effect.   They know they are lying,  but that works.   Douglas knew it worked.

US history teachers and text books do not even mention what lies Douglas (Stephen A) used --they never mentioned the lies worked.   Big fucking mistake, and it has made millions of students -- and therefore most people in US -- dumber, not smarter, about the Civil War,  Lincoln,  and the debates.

See Frederick Douglass's letter to Susan B Anthony.

✔️  Douglas flipped almost overnight from trashing  Kansas Act to speaking its praises.  

✔️Douglas,  the most powerful speaker in the Senate,  and in public,  was able to get the vile  Kansas Act passed.   It would not have been possible without him. 

✔️ Douglas went with Jeff  Davis to White House to get Kansas signed, by President Pierce showing solidarity with Davis.

The most important thing you probably don't know......

✔️Douglas quickly became "national spokesmen"  for the Dred Scott decision - a decision that directed that blacks are not human beings

Unless you understand the Dred Scott decision directed that blacks are not human-- 

and that

blacks can not be seen as human

you will be forever unaware of the reality of the time.   The reality Lincoln faced.   To teach Lincoln,  slavery, and the Civil War without being clear about Dred Scott decision -- and what specifically it did, and why

 is rather like teaching math, but omit that 2 + 2 = 4

It is that basic.   That important.

Another basic point -- if you don't know this, you don't know about Stephen A Douglas, and how by this time, Douglas was doing Jeff Davis' bidding.

Davis -- Jefferson Davis-- was at the center of Kansas Act -- the center of Dred Scott decision, and the center of the violent efforts to force slavery into much of Latin america.

Douglas spoke in extreme favor of all three,  pushed all three.  Remember that -- all three things.   And did so to gain favor of Jeff Davis- in return, Davis was going to get South states to support Douglas.



Lincoln's entire reason to seek the debate  was to stop Douglas from lying about Dred Scott decision to crowd after crowd.

Douglas sold Dred Scott decision about "making america great"  using the words "We can be the terror and admiration of the world."
Supreme Court ordered -- that blacks are not human beings, and that the government must protect the spread of slavery.

Douglas -- since the Dred Scott decision came out -- essentially became the national spokesmen for Dred Scott decision.

Lincoln followed Douglas around the state--in an attempt to speak after Douglas. Havana Illinois was one such speaking stop for Douglas. Douglas simply kept talking until late when the crowd  dispersed and the lighting was bad. 

Douglas did not want Lincoln to explain the truth about Dred Scott decision.

Every time US schools teach the debate, that should be first thing mention.  That Douglas was pushing Dred Scott decision in that debate, and that Douglas was already on a speaking tour  to promote Dred Scott. It is stupid-- yes it is stupid -- not to teach it.  But no US text book teaches it. 

Lincoln correctly attacked Dred Scott "machinery"  as he called it,  to "make property and nothing but property"  in all of the the country.  Lincoln also named those people who designed Dred Scott and Kansas Act -- precisely to spread slavery to the Pacific.  

Lincoln named Douglas (Stephen A Douglas)  and Taney and Jeff Davis - correctly so.  You probably never heard that either.

Lincoln was exactly right. 

 That is exactly what  Jeff Davis and Taney did --  explicitly as planned -destroyed the part of our Constitution which said "all men are created equal, with the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. "

That part of our Constitution was officially destroyed by Dred Scott decision.

To nail that down so not even fools would miss it, "Have no rights which white men must respect." 

Even the right to life -- to pursuit happiness -- specifically obliterated.    Remember that.

Nothing more important to Roger Taney and Jeff Davis.  That is why they came up with Dred Scott decision.

 Nothing more important to Lincoln who went into overdrive to expose it.

Nothing more important to South men who were sent to invade torture and kill to spread slavery based on this


And another things our US text books do not teach -- they do not teach that slavery always began by terror, violence and killing

They do not teach that slavery could not function without terror violence and killing


Slavery could not spread without terror violence and slavery.


Chicago and Bloomington newspapers reported the obvious-- a fact almost everyone knew.  The public was fearful or hateful of blacks because of Stephen A Douglas and others like him.


95% of Kansas Citizens were against slavery --   that is the only reason, the only reason -- Davis sent paid men to invade terrorize and kill Kansas Citizens.    Their goal was to kill enough Kansas citizens to force Kansas to be a slave state.

Not sorta.

Not kinda.

Not in a way.

And if your teacher or "historian" or text book or APUSH tell you Kansas Act was about popular sovereignty,  they are mistaken - and stupid.

Nothing was more basic.  Nothing.  




YES -- and LIncoln did it!


An Indiana newspaper headline was that Lincoln --by name -- and Frederick Douglass -- by name, caused "Attractive married white women"  increasingly  "run off"  with "Niggers."

It was a lie, of course.   

A Donald Trump level lie,  a FOX SPEWS level lie, a hate radio level lie.

But lies work.  Not everyone believed these lies -- but everyone who heard of such things, which were ubiquitous,  were effected. 

One they hear or see such lies,  many believe it if it is repeated by self confident liars.   But even if they don't believe it entirely,  they can assume it's partly true.


Stephen Douglas told crowds Lincoln wanted their sons to fight a war of "extermination."   South leaders like Jeff Davis and Robert Toombs, South newspapers took  used such lies, with great (horrible) effect.



At one point, just after Douglas passed Kansas Act with Jeff Davis,  Douglas could not get off the train from Baltimore to Chicago,  the train stations full of people yelling at Douglas, his likeness burned in effigy. 

Douglas himself told this story, by the way.

It was Douglas, Jefferson Davis, and Senator David Rice Atchison who personally went to the White House to have President Pierce sign the Kansas Act.

Douglas was famously against Kansas Act -- vehemently against it, early on. 

 Days later Douglas suddenly became Kansas Act major salesman -- using his amazing speaking skills, in the Senate and out, to sell Kansas Act as, "popular sovereignty."


19 of 20

Do not worry,  Douglas essentially told crowds.  Kansas citizens are "19 of 20"  against slavery!  (He was right about that).

So no way would Kansas become a slave state, is that Douglas wanted the crow to believe.   Douglas just wanted Kansas to have "that perfect right" to vote on slavery -- up or down.  Or he said so.


Not so -- Douglas buddies- - Jeff Davis and US Senator Atchisson, had other plans.  

Open up Kansas to slavery,  that was first. 

The Missouri "compromise" forbid slavery in Kansas.  (The compromise  itself was a promise to kill  unless they more than doubled their land to enslave,  and other lovely things South insane leaders demanded)

Rather than have the insane South leaders start more killing -- the pro slavery Presidents until Lincoln agreed to whatever the fuck South leaders wanted.  

And now,  after they already killed to spread slavery  and stole half of Mexico's land,

Now they wanted even more.  Now Jeff Davis by 1854 sent the first of two groups of paid (yes they were paid) to invade Kansas.   

Q) How could Jeff Davis (he was the primary guy, as you will see)  and cohorts  "legally" create an excuse to send paid men to invade Kansas?    

The Kansas Act -- as planned by the folks who designed it, started it, pushed it, and got it passed. Shame on every US text book and teacher for not explaining it.  Nothing was more basic.

Jeff Davis,  US Senator Atchison most of all,  


 then by cover of Kansas Act -- call it popular sovereignty -- but then their paid men to invade, terrorize,  voting "booths" of that era, and kill those who resisted.

It would be quick.   That was their plan "the killing will soon be over" is what Atchison communicated to Jeff Davis.


One problem -  the "internet of that day.''

Davis and company did not yet know how vastly different things would forever be -- because of the speed of communication....  the newly installed telegraph lines.

Instead of weeks for people back in Chicago, New York, 


He just wanted Kansas citizens "to have the perfect right"  to  enslave torture and sell humans.   Only Douglas, like fools ever since-- including teachers -- used the term "to decide their own institutions."


Turns out -- Kansas Act was worse, if possible,  than Kansas citizens enslaving and torture an entire race because they might vote that way.



 Robert Hitt, the "official stenographer" of the debates himself cleaned up the "Nigger references."

Hitt revealed Douglas almost never used the word "Negro."  Douglas used the word "Nigger" -- and that with a special emphasis according to Quincy papers.

Quincy papers reported Douglas not only appeared drunk,  he spit out the words.  

James McPherson, by the way, confirmed that Douglas was a drunk.

  Douglas also told crowds that "N-----"  had a "stench."  Do you want that "stench" in your town?

It was not just the debates.  There were only seven debates.  

Douglas spoke to crowds at least 200 times after he passed Kansas Act in 1853, and at least 100 times after he became national spokesman for Dred Scott decision.

It's important to know --Douglas spoke-- at each speech after Dred Scott decision announce, about the wonderful Dred Scott decision.

Douglas main focus -- praising Dred Scott decision, and when in Illinois - Douglas trashed Lincoln for wanting your daughters to sleep with -----  




It's important to know Douglas ran from the debates -- repeatedly refused.   

Douglas was busy -- he was already on his own energetic speaking tour - as mentioned - to essentially sell the Dred Scott decision.   Which enraged, correctly,  anyone who knew what Dred Scott decision was about.
Remember-- the first premise or directive  of Dred Scott was that blacks are not human being.  Idiotically we teach children that Dred was about "citizenship," which means nothing. 

Specifically -- Dred Scott decision ordered, in effect,  that the entire premise -- the preamble of  our Constitution,   was hereby over ruled.     These words -- officially -- were overruled by the shit heads on the Supreme court -- remember that

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men"

That was a "damnable lie"  repeated many Southern leaders -- blacks are sub human, not human,  they were created by God to be enslaved.   Now the Supreme Court -- the shit heads on it -- obliterated the very premise of US exitance as a nation. 

✔️  By their Dred Scott decision blacks were not human,  

✔️ they were inferior beings, they had no right - -no right to life.  

✔️They had no right to pursuit of happiness, 

✔️ no rights whatsoever that a white man must respect. 

 Douglas was at the center of that decision, as the national spokesmen for it.  

We get no clue of that in US text books.

Now remember too -- Lincoln called Dred Scott the machinery to spread slavery to all of US.  He was correct.  That was the intent of the shit heads who created Kansas Act and Dred Scott decision.

And it almost worked.

Douglas claimed "he did not care"  if slavery spread or not.   He just wanted the people to have that choice.  That is why he changed his mind, he said, and joined Jeff Davis's Kansas Act scam.  

Sounded great to some,  even today.   Why not let them vote on slavery? Stupid chits never spot the vile nature of voting to enslave an entire race, which meant rape, selling children, being tortured if you tried to escape, etc.   We should vote on that.

But that was not even the fuking problem with Kansas Act.

The point is -- as soon as Kansas Act passed,  Jeff Davis sent US Senator Atchison to use hired men to invade Kansas --- and to terrorize, later kill Kansas Citizens for being against slavery!

That was the fucking problem.

95% of Kansas CItizens were against slavery -- a stunningly high percentge.

Yet Davis-Douglas-Atchison planned that they would sell  Kansas Act  as "popular sovereignty"  then Kansas could be a slave state  if Davis and Atchison quickly got a "bogus legislature"  and made it a slave state.

So they tried that.

Their mistake

1) Kansas citizens fought back hard-- they did not anticipate that

2) Telegraph just arrived and was starting. The "internet" of the day.

 For the first time news from Kansas and Missouri reached  back to Chicago,  Philadelphia,  Washington.  With a day or two,  the entire country knew about the killings and tortures going on in Kansas.

And people knew the name of the shit heads who arranged it -- who pushed Kansas Act as "popular sovereighty"

The four  major people -- Jeff Davis, Stephen A Douglas, Senator Atchison and President Pierce.


1860 Douglas and Davis hated each other.  But at the time of the debates,  Douglas was doing everything possible to help Jeff Davis.  

 Before Douglas died,  Douglas tried to convince his past friends that he was not helping Davis -- no no no.  Douglas said he was trying to get Davis "taken out" militarily early on.   It only seemed like he deliberately helped Davis spread slavery. 

✔️ In the first debate, immediately -- Douglas attacked Lincoln for wanting to force the white  people of Ottawa Illinois to have N______ in their city.   

✔️Illinois legislator already made it a crime for blacks to move into the state -- now Lincoln is going force you to have blacks in your city.

Douglas then would say -- Is that what you want? Do you want Lincoln to decide?

Very effective. 







parking here.

Not for human consumption without an education already.

When you hear folks talk about "Manifest Destiny"  that is exactly what it meant -- invade and kill Mexicans, steal most of their land, and use it to spread slavery.  That is exactly what  happened.

Mexicans realized US troops would commit genocide of them,  as quickly and surely as they were committing genocide of Native Americans.   So they surrendered.

As US Grant would say -- the US Civil War is what we get from invading Mexico. 

 He was exactly right.

Within months of US soldiers victory (murder) of Mexicans, slave power demanded a million more miles to use for slavery ---- then three years later,  demands another million miles for slavery--- that demand was the US Civil War.  Slave power leaders -- particularly Jeff Davis --wanted glory and power by spreading slavery to all of the US.  

Davis was only excited by this theft -- it was proof that God ordained slavery.  Davis, not without some perverse logic, claimed a duty to God to spread slavery to all of the US too.

After all,  the bible condones it, and slaves 

Atchison was Stephen A Douglas partner in Kansas Act -- when Atchison soon after the Kansas Act passed,  rushed to Kansas using paid men to invade -- later kill -- to spread slavery,  guess who defended Atchison?

Stephen A Douglas.  That's who defended Atchison.

By the way -- the same year,  as archivist discovered-- someone gave Stephen A Douglas a slave plantation in Mississippi after he passed Kansas Act (with Atchison).  There were over 150 slaves on Douglas's plantation.

Douglas "forgot" to mention that in or after the debates. Most people alive at the time were well aware Douglas flipped to push Kansas Act -- to curry favor with Jeff Davis.

But it was not until rather recently we know by paperwork, from DOuglas's attorney . Douglas was given much more than a pat on the head by Davis. Someone gave him a slave plantation -- 5 or 10 million dollars worth today.

Douglas was given a slave plantation.

Soon after Douglas flipped from trashing Kansas Act -- to pass it he suddenly owned a large slave plantation -- and never told anyone.




Senator David Rice Atchison.

Atchison business and political partern? 

STEPHEN A Douglas.
The on site leader of both groups who invade  1854 and 1856-- was Stephen A DOuglas  business partner, and Douglas's partner to pass Kansas Act in 1854,  


What was  Charles Sumner talking about on Senate floor -- May of 1856-- when he was beaten into a coma?
This is such a basic easy question,  if you don't know- slap your teachers.

Sumner in that famous speech was talking about Stephen A Douglas.  Sumner was talking about Senator David Rice Atchison. By name. 



Sumner in great detail,  for two days, in great length,  showed evidence, newspaper reports,  killing by killing,  torture by torture, murder by murder, of Kansas citizens by men under control of --  SENATOR ATCHISON.

Sumner in great detail, in great length  showed how another Senator helped Atchison to pass Kansas Act.  Who was that other Senator?  STEPHEN A DOUGLAS.



Notice the small chubby guy in the back?
Thats Stephen A Douglas laughing as Sumner is beaten.

Douglas claimed he was not there that day.  Not only was Douglas there that day, it's likely Douglas (as Sgt. At Arms of the Senate)  let  Preston Brooks in.   

Preston was not allowed on the floor at all -- and  Senate doors were always locked from the inside during debates like this.

Only the Sgt.At Arms could allow the doors to open.  That was Stephen A Douglas.

Furthermore,  Douglas already told Sumner the day before, during a break in the first day of Sumner's  amazing speech.  Douglas told Sumner he "should be beaten like a dog" for the way Sumner talked.

Sumner was insulting, yes,  and every word of it was true,  every word of it was about those who used the Senate to enslave torture and kill to spread slavery.

__________Preston Brooks___________

In the debates-- Lincoln correctly named the people who concocted Kansas Act -- and Dred Scott decision -- as "machinery" to spread slavery "North South East and West"

In those names -- Stephen A Douglas, Jeff Davis,  Roger Taney.

No one told you?  They should have.

And Douglas used exactly that hate for blacks --- to get more famous.   And he pumped up the hate even more.

Most whites -- ALREADY -- hated blacks, feared black men would "sleep with your daughters."


Why did whites ALREADY fear their daughters would "sleep with blacks"  or other such accusations?

There were few blacks in Illinois -- Illinois outlawed--  see the word outlawed!-- blacks to come into the state in 1856!

When Illinois became a state--  Illinois came within four  votes from making Illinois a slave state.  Which everyone knew


Even by the time of the debates, many whites never saw a black person.  Yet whites hated or feared blacks -- because of men like Stephen A Douglas, as you will see below.


DOUGLAS'S "NIGGERS WILL DO THIS" and "Do you want the stench of Niggers" speeches started 1854.

Why?   Why would Douglas start that hate mongering only after he passed Kansas Act.

   PRO TIP 1-- Douglas for the first time had hecklers and resistance in his crowds.    For example immediately  after he passed Kansas Act  (Douglas was adamantly against Kansas Act, then almost overnight became the most passionate to pass Kansas Act.)

 PRO TIP 2  Douglas was so hated by passing Kansas Act,  as  he told the story himself -- he could not get off the train from Baltimore to Chicago -- crowds met him at each stop,  burned him in effigy,  lit fires and yell at him.

   Suddenly Douglas attacked anyone that was against Kansas Act --  in Chicago he went full monty,  screaming at people in the crowd that they must want "Niggers"  to have equal rights --as a way to shut them  up about Kansas Act. 
Kansas Act was so powerful - so vile- so important  that the history of the US can be seen as before Kansas Act  and after Kansas Act, almost as much as our history can be seen as before Civil War and after.  

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