Long before Trump got crowds of dumb shits to cheer that he (Trump) wants Putin to kill everyone he wants to kill in NATO countries on June 2 2024*
Of course shit head Douglas yelled a lot of other things - each speech by Douglas was telling stupid fucks that Lincoln wants your daughters to sleep with Niggers- another favorite
We have all heard about the Lincoln debates --
but did you know what Stephen A Douglas was doing the weeks before the debates?
Probably not. Lincoln spoke of this -- what Douglas was doing for weeks. Douglas was going around the state calling Lincoln things like
Do you know why Lincoln had to chase Douglas down in person to debate-- but Douglas would just speak until far past dark, as in Havana Illinois
Do you know why Douglas spent weeks boasting about Roger Taney -- and the Dred Scott decision?
Robert HItt - the unofficial stenographer of the debates -- said that Douglas rarely used the word "Negro." Douglas used "Nigger" and even then added scorn for effect.
When Charles Sumner asked Douglas not to use that term in on the Senate floor -- Douglas went right on using that word
Even Senators from the South did not use that word-- therefore Stephen A Douglas could have been the only Senator to do so.
Douglas did it of course for a reason -- and the reason was to trash his opponent
Probably not- no US text books seem to feel that's important
UNDER CONSTRUCTION. WARNING: We wish it were not necessary to use the "n-word," -- sadly it is necessary in this context. If that bothers you, please go no further.
ALREADY by the 1840s Stephen A Douglas was the most active and popular speaker slamming his enemies.
He drew crowds no matter where he went. At any criticism, Douglas attacked. Horace Greeley said Douglas was the best speaker in the country -- in a time when great speakers were almost common.---------------------------------------------
His most effect "knife" as Lincoln called Douglas's attacks, was about slaves, and spreading slavery.
Anyone who questioned or challenged Douglas was hit by insults -- insults that destroyed other politicians - such was "you want our daughters to sleep with ..."
While Douglas said repeatedly he did not care if slavery spread or not- Douglas unfailingly took the side of those in Congress who were already supporting the violent spread of slavery. intense members of Congress who were part of the current violent attempt to spead slavery.
Douglas was something of a terror in the Senate, where he trashed other regularly -- always or almost always about the SPREAD of slaveryIn fact no one wanted to debate Douglas because of Douglas's skill and pumping up hate. Dou
As Frederick Douglass wrote to Susan B Anthony, Stephen A Douglas the man -- more than anyone else-- to incite hatred for the Negro.
And the fucking reason Douglas was so good at it, is that it worked. Pumping hate -- as he did over and over-worked to get him political power
It worked North and South to get him the biggest crowds- bigger than speeches by abolitions, bigger crowds than speeches by the Presidents
Douglas was an entertainer -- crowds cheered. Cities with population of 4,000 might have a crowd of 5 thousand for Douglas's speeches. And 12 thousand for Lincoln Douglas debates.
_______________________________ ______________________________
Other Douglas attacks on Lincoln, before during and after the famous debates..._____________________
Oh, really?
We hear -- from the most famous historians of our time, Pulitzer Prize Winners no less - that Lincoln was "nothing special" regarding race.
He "evolved." He was "no abolitionist," but in the end he "reluctantly" did the right thing. A fucking lie
He saw blacks as inferior. A fucking lie
He refused to join "abolitionists" who were eager to end slavery. A fucking lie
He was willing to have slavery continue as long as the South wanted it to continue. A fucking lie
He had no plan to end slavery. A fucking lie
He felt the South had a right to have slavery. A fucking lie
His concern was only the "extension" of slavery. A fucking lie
On and on.
Not to say Foner is a lying fucking bastard, but Foner seemed to avoid using the full quote -- and avoid using contest.
We can learn hundreds things - from Fonner -- he rains down trivia with the best best of them. But it's not really possible to learn from him what actually happened_________________________GAME OF QUOTES ______
Each and every time, Foner (and others) have a quote. Always a quote.
It's like Foner, and others, are playing cards - and the only thing on the card was a part of a quote. No full quotes -- or few.
No context that is even more important.
Foner knows so much -- is so well read, that for him to chit on Lincoln it seems impossible he did this accidently.
Foner knows -- as well as anyone - that to omit part of the story is to create a new lie. Yet the fuck head omitted what actually matter, over and over and over.
Foner also knows that the best historians of slavery and Civil war -- were SOuth leaders themselves -- until they lost
It seems -- I could be wrong-- that Foner avoided any such information if that might oblierate Eric's decpeptive narrative,
Foner is not a factul "historian:" as I call them, he is rather a story teller -- a narrator-- who for some odd reason omits whatever would destroy or challenge his story/narration.
Foner looks like a scholar, he is paid like a scholar.
Why not show his full quotes when those are precisely the opposite? Stunningly Foner and others pick quotes that are refuted in the same speech by Lincoln himself.
For Of course, that is human nature. Historians do it as often, maybe more so, than journalist. History is no more or less reliable than journalism. _______________________________
Why not show -- in context, and chronological order -- why he was hated for being the most radical person running for office?
Why not show why -- why and that -- Frederick Douglass said Lincoln was " swift, radical, zealous and determined" to end slavery --
Why not at least mention that.
Oh, and by the way, Frederick Douglass was fucking right. This may explain how right_____________________________________ Yet at the time -- Lincoln was hated for exactly the opposite. Why?_______________________________
PRO TIP Chicago and Bloomington papers both reported Douglas won the election - precisely because 80% -- a stunning four out of five -- white males in the Southern half of the state hated or fear Lincoln due to Douglas's "Nigger rants" against Lincoln.
WHY THE CROWD YELLED AT LINCOLNBecause the best speaker of the century just pumped them up with hate and fear -- that's why.
We can learn hundreds things - from Fonner -- he rains down trivia with the best best of them. But it's not really possible to learn from him what actually happened
Yet at the time -- Lincoln was hated for exactly the opposite. Why?_______________________________
PRO TIP Chicago and Bloomington papers both reported Douglas won the election - precisely because 80% -- a stunning four out of five -- white males in the Southern half of the state hated or fear Lincoln due to Douglas's "Nigger rants" against Lincoln.
Because the best speaker of the century just pumped them up with hate and fear -- that's why.
How Lincoln responded .. CLICK on the picture or this link. 1940 movie about Lincoln in his Illinois years.
The dialog in the brief 4 minute scene does not show the sexually vulgar attacks.
Nor show Douglas's well known use of "Nigger rants" as Quincy papers called it.
Does not show Douglas (in other speeches) getting crowds to laugh about the "stench of niggers-- is that what you want to smell" kind of hate mongering.
Nor show Douglas running back and forth yelling and his paid women to walk with him with sign "No Man But a White Man" and other details.
Yet as to the basics, though profoundly cleaned up, the video is an accurate depiction of the basic dynamic:
[ DOUGLAS ATTACKS LINCOLN DEFENDS ]_______________________________
Lincoln already knew how deceitful, hateful, vulgar, and sexually crude Douglas could be.
Douglas proved that in a series of speeches and actions to get power since his 1854 vile fraud of Kansas Act -- passed specifically at the request of Jeff Davis.. The fact Jeff Davis and Stephen A Douglas passed Kansas Act to help slavery spread is a basic reality -- the most profound vile act in US history - escapes most people.
It did not escape Lincoln, Charles Sumner, Frederick Douglass, and thousands of others at the time. But it escapes teachers and text books now, which idiotically, almost unbelievably, teach Kansas Act as about "popular sovereignty.
Jeff Davis and Stephen A Douglas sold the fraud as "popular sovereignty" after which Davis sent paid killers to Kansas to invade torture and kill to spread slavery -- justified by Kansas Act and Dred Scott decision -- which is the very basis for everything Lincoln did from that day forward.
To teach Kansas Act as popular sovereignty is a special kind of stupid. That's like teaching Japan bombing Pearl Harbor as a gift to FDR.
For four years Douglas had been helping south leaders Jeff Davis and US Senator Atchison to spread slavery to the Pacific. That might some as a surprise -- but only to those who failed to read the debates or Lincoln's full speeches before the debates. And only to those who have essentially no awareness of what the fuck happened in the 1850s.
Historian Allan C Guelzo plausibly blames Lincoln for being pulled off message by Douglas's vulgar attacks on Lincoln.
Yet Lincoln was not debating 160 years later.
Lincoln debated in front of crowds that mostly hated or feared black men would take white women to bed, and feared that their sons would die in a war of extermination.
Lincoln knew that the crowds -- even those that supported him -- feared black males. Lincoln knew even abolitionist in his own cabinet hated or blacks, almost with much of the public.
✔️When Lincoln said, as he did at least 100x, that Dred Scott and Kansas Act were the "machinery" South created to spread slavery -- this is what he was talking about
Lincoln already knew how deceitful, hateful, vulgar, and sexually crude Douglas could be.
Douglas proved that in a series of speeches and actions to get power since his 1854 vile fraud of Kansas Act -- passed specifically at the request of Jeff Davis.. The fact Jeff Davis and Stephen A Douglas passed Kansas Act to help slavery spread is a basic reality -- the most profound vile act in US history - escapes most people.
It did not escape Lincoln, Charles Sumner, Frederick Douglass, and thousands of others at the time. But it escapes teachers and text books now, which idiotically, almost unbelievably, teach Kansas Act as about "popular sovereignty.
Jeff Davis and Stephen A Douglas sold the fraud as "popular sovereignty" after which Davis sent paid killers to Kansas to invade torture and kill to spread slavery -- justified by Kansas Act and Dred Scott decision -- which is the very basis for everything Lincoln did from that day forward.
To teach Kansas Act as popular sovereignty is a special kind of stupid. That's like teaching Japan bombing Pearl Harbor as a gift to FDR.
For four years Douglas had been helping south leaders Jeff Davis and US Senator Atchison to spread slavery to the Pacific. That might some as a surprise -- but only to those who failed to read the debates or Lincoln's full speeches before the debates. And only to those who have essentially no awareness of what the fuck happened in the 1850s.
Historian Allan C Guelzo plausibly blames Lincoln for being pulled off message by Douglas's vulgar attacks on Lincoln.
Yet Lincoln was not debating 160 years later.
Lincoln debated in front of crowds that mostly hated or feared black men would take white women to bed, and feared that their sons would die in a war of extermination.
Lincoln knew that the crowds -- even those that supported him -- feared black males. Lincoln knew even abolitionist in his own cabinet hated or blacks, almost with much of the public.
✔️When Lincoln said, as he did at least 100x, that Dred Scott and Kansas Act were the "machinery" South created to spread slavery -- this is what he was talking about
We have a bizarre dynamic in education of trashing Lincoln for not caring about equality....
while at the time Lincoln was most targeted for being "obsessed" for "Nigger equality. "
More than anyone else of his time
Douglas incited hatred to the black race.
Frederick Douglas, 1861. Letter to Susan B Anthony.
We do not teach Douglas today as any kind of a hate or fear monger. Yet he was well known as such then, especially by people like Frederick Douglass

Stephen Douglas's basic defense of his passage of Kansas Act and of his defense of Dred Scott -- was that "Niggers" will take your daughters, walk with "Niggers" and your sons will die "in a war of extermination.
Douglas, however, was not the only hate demagogue -- that attack was common. It was common because it worked..
Anyone for any kind of equality -- were attacked as "Nigger worshipers" or "black Republicans" or that they "want Niggers" to sleep with your daughters.
Not everyone believed it -- of course, But enough did believe it that Douglas won.
Douglas carried around a satchel of Lincoln's speeches, and would pull out papers with Lincoln's quotes supporting equality for blacks.
It was on this basis--Lincoln's quotes -- and actions -- that Douglas proves Lincoln was "obsessed for Nigger equality."
Douglas pointed out Lincoln's actions....
NO MAN BUT A WHITE MAN __________________
Douglas took women with him to the debates, on his personal train ( a train provided by George McClellan, like Stephen Douglas, a personal friend and frequent dinner guest of Jeff Davis)
Douglas would exit his train marked by firing off a cannon, a brass band would play.
In two debate, Douglas's women walked near him as we walked - or was carried -- the debate site.
The women were dressed in sashes that read "No Man But a White Man'
The women's chests reiterates Douglas attack that Lincoln wanted "NIggers" sleeping with white women.
According to Chicago and Bloomington papers -- Douglas won because 80% of the white males in Southern part of the state believed Douglas.
Just in case you had no idea Lincoln personally wrote 1849 legislation (and would be President when he signed such legislation in 1864) and personally pushed it in Congress, here is it, still in the Library of Congress, since 1849.
We have a bizarre dynamic in education of trashing Lincoln for not caring about equality....
while at the time Lincoln was most targeted for being "obsessed" for "Nigger equality. "
More than anyone else of his time
Douglas incited hatred to the black race.
Frederick Douglas, 1861. Letter to Susan B Anthony.
We do not teach Douglas today as any kind of a hate or fear monger. Yet he was well known as such then, especially by people like Frederick Douglass
Stephen Douglas's basic defense of his passage of Kansas Act and of his defense of Dred Scott -- was that "Niggers" will take your daughters, walk with "Niggers" and your sons will die "in a war of extermination.
Douglas, however, was not the only hate demagogue -- that attack was common. It was common because it worked..
Anyone for any kind of equality -- were attacked as "Nigger worshipers" or "black Republicans" or that they "want Niggers" to sleep with your daughters.
Not everyone believed it -- of course, But enough did believe it that Douglas won.
Douglas carried around a satchel of Lincoln's speeches, and would pull out papers with Lincoln's quotes supporting equality for blacks.
It was on this basis--Lincoln's quotes -- and actions -- that Douglas proves Lincoln was "obsessed for Nigger equality."
Douglas pointed out Lincoln's actions....
According to Chicago and Bloomington papers -- Douglas won because 80% of the white males in Southern part of the state believed Douglas.