Friday, August 2, 2024


We apologize for using the "N-word."
Under construction



Most people in Illinois had never or rarely seen a black man or woman.

Illinois legislature, by the time Lincoln debates, had made it a crime --a crime!- for blacks to move into the state.

In fact, Illinois was nearly a slave state by 1818,  escaping that fate by a narrow margin.   It was not "whites only"  by by the Lincoln debates,  Illinois legislatures did forbid black from moving into the state--if caught, they were given 10 days to vacate the state --and if they did not,  public whipping was possible.

  Therefore-- most  whites knew more about the black race from what they heard

Douglas - already - already -- important to know this  already ,  since 1850 Douglas was adept and eager to trash others the same way--  tell the public his enemies love "niggers,"with great results. 

Most people  

Why do our text books not use the actual language Douglas used?

Trash anyone who spoke against him of  being some sort of insane creep who wanted blacks to be your your judges, to marry you children.

He was very very good at pumping hate and fear -- he was a feared opponent.  And he was also a personal friend and partner to a man you might have heard about - Jefferson Davis,

Every time he spoke--until about 1860-- Douglas was de facto partners to Jefferson Davis.   In 1860, however,  they both wanted to kill each other.  Douglas would tell that to his fried John Palmer. 

 Another ploy was to tie Frederick Douglass  name with Lincoln's name and blame them both for insane things that never even occurred
Newspapers -- "Douglas newspapers" would chime in -- such as an Indiana paper that claime 

It should come as no surprise  in this day of FOX SPEWS and HATE radio, and Lunatic Sociopath Donny, that hate and lies work--- they work  because of human nature.

Humans - necessarily -- wisely even -- listen to hateful super self confident men.  It could not be otherwise.

It does matter to the human brain if that super self confident voice  was a caring decent man -- or a lying shit head.    The self confidence it the leading concern here.

Those with a certain tone of voice, as scientist now know, push aside those without it.   

Of course even lying bustards' with total self confidence, do not get far -- unless others -- the crowd for instance -- the rest of the people in church -- the others in the room.  

Humans pick up all that information automatically. We care very very much what the crowd around us seem to think.    That is normal too.  



What did Douglas mean--"contrary to Supreme Court in case of Dred Scott."

If you don't know - slap your teacher. 


The Supreme Court ordered- ordered -- that blacks could not be seen as human. 


  They are not human.  One more time -- they are not human.   They can not be seen as human.   


They are "inferior beings"



History texts and historians,  horribly  stuipdly,  watered this vile decision down to meaningless drivel

 Fuck that - the Supreme court ordered - direct -- that blacks are not human -- not human! --and then it got worse.  

Worse -- thesupreme chit heads- - Southern scum with Jeff Davis being behand all this-- essentially ordered the President of the US to help -- to help - South to spread slavery for GOD.

So we fail to teach our children that Dred ordered blacks can not be seen as human

We failed to teach our children that, as directed by the shit heads on SCOTUS - blacks can not ever be seen as human.  They can not be made into human by legislation.

The fuckers on SCOTUS tried their damnest to please Jeff Davis.  Davis -for years -- insisted blacks were not human

For years - South leaders made it a crime -- a crime -- to preach against slavery

For  year -- and still in effect all through the Civil War -- in the South it was a crime punishable by death - by death -- by death  to publish anying agins slavery

The bible itself -- you need to know th is -- the bible itself says you can torture your slave woman to death -- to death-- for no arrarent reason.

Therefore again -- and again -and again  the lunatics in the South not only claimed GODLY permission to torture and enslave -- they claimed now - with Dred  decision a 
COnstitutional requriement - as Jeff Davis said

Required by the bible - and required by order of the Supreme Court

If anyone teaches otherswise, the are a stupid shit who should study SOuth leaders own boasting, own official documents-- because their crowds cheered -- see the word CHEERED -- they cheered being told that they were at war -- at war - specifically at war to spread salvery for GOD.

Crowds cheered.

We fail to teach how -- AS PLANNED -- the see word AT PLANNED-- that South leaders planned  and did use Dred Scott decision to justify invasion's and killing to spread slavery

How the fuck do our teachers and text book publishers  get away with this shit?     They get away with this shit because 


It was not just Douglas's "Worshipper" insults,  it was much much more,  by Douglas and others.


Since 1852 Stephen A Douglas was ALREADY  -- ALREADY  the most popular speaker of the generation.

He did not speak, as much as mezmerize, as much as he put on a show.

Douglas's opponents, if anyone was stupid eno

3) Like Donald Trump gets stupid shits and fools to cheer his lies, there is no faster, more effective way to get political power that by lies and hate.

4) Just like FOX NEWS host claim Hate is a Joy, Lincoln's enemies bragged it was a Joy to invade and kill to spread slavery.



 In 1850s, Stephen Douglas, pumped up hate then like Trump does now,  only Douglas got crowd to yell "DOWN WITH NIGGERS" at Lincoln.

Worse,  Douglas helped others get eager killers to invade torture and kill to spread slavery ---all of it by public speakers pumping up the stupid and gullible, in crowds

Exactly like Donald Trump.



For decades Douglas  agreed with Lincoln --that slavery must end, but end peacefully and by Constitutional means.

In 1853, Douglas almost overnight essentially helped Jeff Davis to spread slavery, once he found how quickly that gave him huge crowds, wealth,  and status.

 Douglas nearly became President because of it.  Which, of course, is what he craved. 

Egomaniacs do not necessarily  want people to die because of their ego, but they care more about getting attention. 

Much like Trump now. And like Stephen A Douglas then.

Douglas also became very very rich.  He was given a slave plantation in Mississippi not long after he pushed Kansas Act, a vile fraud, through Congress.



 Lincoln was NOT  the only person who got a bullet to the head  because of the hate and fear  Douglas  regularly spread.
According to Frederick Douglass, in a letter to Susan Anthony, no one  did more to incite hatred of black men more than Stephen A Douglas.   

Thousands were killed before Lincoln got to the White House, as South leaders send paid killers  -- and Jeff Davis proudly, openly sent US troops (he was Secretary of War under President Pierce to invade Kansas soley because 95% of Kansas Citizen were against slavery)

Stephen A Douglas was at the center of Kansas Act --- and the national spokesmen for Dred Scott decision.

Lincoln explain this.  Idiotically no US text book, nor historian that I know of,  even mention this, much less made it clear. 




It's important to know -- Douglas incited that hate to get crowds to cheer by words.

Lincoln harps constantly  on equality for the "Negro"  per this video clip.

Douglas used the word "Nigger" even in the Senate, after being asked not to.

According to Quincy papers, Douglas would seem intoxicated,  and spit out the words, in his "Nigger rants."

Sadly, not knowing or teaching such basics has made generations dumb about slavery and the Civil War.



It's also important to know -- Douglas flipped almost overnight to be the leading hate pump. He out did the others.

One more thing to know -- Douglas attacked everyone with lies like "You want white women to sleep with N-----" .

 Since 1854,  when Douglas pushed through Congress the "vile fraud" of Kansas Act,  Douglas had no choice. 

Those who exposed Douglas for his  Kansas Act fraud, and who exposed Douglas for helping Jeff Davis to spread slavery to the Pacific, were exactly right.

Douglas did not debate that, though in 1859 Douglas introduced legislation that made it a crime (!) to accuse anyone in government of any conspiracy or plot to spread slavery!   More about that, below.

   Douglas simply attacked as his defense -- Douglas by his amazing speaking power and thundering voice,  and theatrics, controlled the issue. 

The issue then was not if Douglas helped Jeff Davis spread slavery by the vile fraud of Kansas Act (and later, Dred Scott)

Douglas rhetoric made the issue  "Lincoln (and others) want your daughters to sleep with black men....  is that what you want."



To this day, historians,  text books and teachers do not examine or care that Douglas created the Kansas Act and then became national spokesmen for Dred.

Which is odd, because again and again Lincoln, as his most basic issue,  was the Kansas Act and Dred Scott decision as the "machinery" to spread slavery.

Rather,  historians text books and teachers (often without any context) trash Lincoln for Lincoln's response to be called "Nigger Worshipper" and wanting "your daughters to  sleep with Niggers"

"We can be the terror and admiration of the world" Douglas told cheering crowd.  That is never taught in our schools, at least until college, as far as we know.


The dead included over 3,000 men killed in Kansas,  men led by Douglas's partner, Senator David Rice Atchison,  according to the first Governor of Kansas,  Charles Robinson, in his book "The Kansas Conflict." 


Charles Robinson on Trial for Treason 1857.

Arrested Stephen Douglas allies in Kansas.

Robinson was also shot and left for dead by paid Texas killers.

He survived. 

Frederick Douglass should know 

Frederick Douglass should know -- he was there.

Even more, Frederick Douglas and Lincoln both, together, as if they were a team,  were accused by Northern  newspaper of causing  "Niggers" to take  "attractive white women" from their white husbands.

Even more false, the newspaper (a supporter of Stephen A Douglas) claimed this was happening " increasingly."

Like Trump outlets will make up any lie, and fools will believe it, so too Douglas and his supporters would make up any and all lies, as they saw fit.

Why not? Lies and hate worked.

Of course that was hateful nonsense.

 Like hate mongers in politics now, hate mongers then pumped up fools and the stupid in any way they felt like.   And -- it worked!


The white race will be "exterminated" by "Niggers"  because of men like Lincoln and Frederick Douglass.

Nothing worked as well  to get cheering crowds, and to get power, for Stephen A Douglas, and others,  than to pump up the hate and fear of black men.

Never mind that most whites in Illinois did not know a  black man.  Illinois was "whites only states" by the time of Lincoln debates. It was a crime in Illinois by that time for blacks to move into the state!

You probably had no clue that Illinois was a whites only state (in that blacks could no longer move there.)

A basic fact Stephen Douglas used again and again to taunt the crowds to hate and fear Lincoln - - Lincoln would force them to live near "Niggers."  

Is that what you want, for Lincoln to decide who you live next to,  who your children go to school with?  Very effective taunts by the nation's most powerful speaker,  Stephen A Douglas.

(Douglas rarely said the word Negro,  according to the official stenographer of the debates, Robert Hitt) 


 Douglas's partner, Senator David Rice Atchison, in 1854,  led 800 paid men to invade Kansas to torture, later kill, to spread slavery to the Pacific.  These men could not have invaded, not have killed, without Stephen A Douglas sudden flip to push the vile  Kansas Act

Douglas claimed Kansas Act would give "perfect freedom" to Kansas Citizens to vote "up or down" on slavery.

Nothing could be further from the truth.  

Days after Atchison and Douglass passed Kansas Act, Atchison disappeared from Washington.

  He next shows up with 800 paid men,  armed with weapons from US Armory, with the blessing of President Pierce, and Jefferson Davis,  then Secretary of War.


Blacks are not human beings.

Blacks must be seen as non human.

The fed gov must protect the spread of slavery


Over and over, and then again, Lincoln spoke in detail about the "machinery" created by specific men he named.   This "machinery" of course was the Kansas Act and Dred Scott decision.

Carefully crafted to spread slavery to the entire US, North and South, East and West,  according to Lincoln.

Indeed, that is exactly what would happen,  as planned, unless Dred Scott decision was overturned by Constitutional Amendment.   Dred Scott decision essentially ordered blacks to be seen as "inferior beings" -- not human beings, not "persons".

Again and again, Jeff Davis cited Dred Scott decision as the justification for violent spread of slavery, including Davis sending paid killers to Kansas.   The "resistance" to slavery was "intolerable" Davis claimed,  specifically citing the Dred Scott decision.

Probably the most basic fact possible that impacted everything. As planned the Dred Scott decision "changed everything" wrote Jeff Davis himself.

Even though Kansas citizens rejected slavery by 95% vote, that did not matter, claimed Davis.  The Dred Scott decision ordered that fed government (including Lincoln) must protect the spread of slavery.


If you did not know Stephen A Douglas was at the heart of both -- both -- parts of this machinery, and did not know Dred Scott decision and Kansas Act were the two parts of that machinery,   slap your teacher.  

Lincoln explained this over, and over, and over.  

Even more important, if possible, Jeff Davis bragged about the Dred Scott decision as justifying violence to spread slavery!

1) It was Douglas personally who pushed Kansas Act through Congress.  

2) It was Douglas personally who became the national spokesman for Dred Scott decision




Douglas was so pissed that Lincoln exposed him this way,  repeatedly,  by 1859 Douglas pushed for legislation that made it a crime for anyone to accuse a government official of any "plot"  to spread slavery.   

It was "anti sedition" legislation by Douglas.

Two thousand dollar fine, and two years in jail.

That was Douglas's legislation to shut Lincoln up. 

The legislation did not pass, but Douglas spoke of it with joy.  He wanted to see those folks (that would include Lincoln) in prison together. 
Kansas Act" was a ruse, a "vile fraud," or as Lincoln called it, "the machinery" created by Douglas, Jeff Davis, Roger Taney to spread slavery to the Pacific --- and spead it against, not for, state's rights.

 Douglas's political and business partner -- Atchison  famously passed Kansas Act because of Douglas. Then  Atchison personally quickly led 800 paid men to invade, later torture and kill Kansas Citizens. 

Why  terrorize or kill Kansas Citizens ?  

Because 95% of Kansas Citizens were anti -slavery.  


Everyone in politics knew that if Kansas Territory (a much larger land mass than Kansas now) rejected slavery,  it would be impossible to spread slavery to the Pacific.

South leaders bragged about spreading slavery to the Pacific,  crowds cheered such crap.   It's important to know -- it was always to get cheering crowds.  

Together,  those paid killers, according to the first governor of Kansas (Charles Robinson) the killers killed3,300 men. 

All because Douglas and Atchison and Jeff Davis got Kansas Act passed.

 Ken Burns, sadly,  was fooled to help Shelby Foote,  and seemed clueless about the basic of what happened.   Certainly Burns never mentioned paid killers, or repeated invasions or the 3000 dead Kansas citizens.

Yet nothing was more important -- to those using paid killers,  and to those trying to stop the killers.


Burns never grasped that Kansas Act was a vile fraud and Dred Scott, with Kansas Act,  was part of the machinery to spread slavery.

That's a special kind of stupid from someone who is explaining the Civil War.

 Perhaps no one ever had better intentions than Burns.   Yet good intentions do not matter.  

As you probably know,  the road to hell is paved with good intention, in the telling of history as much as in anything else.



Stephen Douglas could and did get crowds to cheer,  rather like Trump gets fools today, to believe the big lie of a stolen election.   

Shelby Foote mad sure Ken Burns did not know crowds yelled "Down with N____" at Lincoln, or a dozen other things.

More than that, not once has Foote, or others who trash Lincoln by omitting important facts (like Foner)never explain Lincoln's full replies changed the nation.   Not once did Foote (or other like him) bother to explain as Lincoln spoke necessarily at times about Union -- LIncoln was kicking the living fook out of slavery,  even after South leaders offered to law down arms,  if they could keep slavery.

We kneed the full story. 


While Burns did a masterful job of music, editing,  and gave part of the story...  he should redo the first ten minutes,  and perhaps apologize to millions of educators for spreading a contrived and false narrative -- one that Foote and Jeff Davis and Robert E Lee  would appreciate. 

And quite the opposite of Lincoln's narrative. 




Douglas and Jeff Davis wanted Lincoln, and anyone like Lincoln,  to "get out of the way"  so United States could  be "the admiration and terror of the world".

Douglas would later claim he was not helping Jeff Davis -- Douglas told John Palmer "you have me all wrong."   He told Palmer he (Douglas) was trying to get Davis "taken out" militarily earlier,  1856,  when he was not so powerful militarily.  A sunning conversation,  along with otherss, in 



How was US to be the admiration and terror of the world? 

  By spreading slavery, using paid killers (called, oddly, "filibusters) under US/ Jeff Davis control, to Latin America countries.

 That would make US Admired as the power and terror of the world.    Remember Douglas bragged about this -- bragged.

Another "detail"  from the Lincoln Douglas debates our historians and sadly teachers fail to mention, much less make clear as basic to everything Douglas did and said.

It's important to notice Lincoln's response, too

Lincoln and other "Negro worshippers" and those like Lincoln who insisted blacks are human beings (Remember, Dred Scott decision ordered blacks can not be seen as human beings!  Blacks must be seen as property.)

Lincoln aptly responded to Douglas's wish to spread slavery,  not only to the Pacific, but to other nations as well,  as you can see in the video.

Douglas claimed "he did not care"  if slavery spread or not.

Yet everything Douglas did and said was geared to help Jeff Davis and slave power accomplish exactly those goals. 


Lincoln exposed Douglas's help to slave power and Jeff Davis ---via passing  Kansas Act and then being the national spokesman, North and South,  for Dred Scott decision.

  Douglas again and again -- made sure crowds instead envisioned white women "sleeping with and hugging" black men, and a dozens other things that terrified whites,  forcing Lincoln to address those issues.

To this day,  virtually no historian or US text books bother to mention, much less teach, as basic, how Douglas helped Jeff Davis and slave power, by Kansas Act and Dred Scott decision.


Foote, rather like Eric Foner, can teach you much about slavery and the Civil War. The question is, are those "scholars," by design, or by stupidity, omitting  a few "details"?

Details like this.... 

  Every time Lincoln opened his mouth in public, you probably had no idea this is what he had to address to the satisfaction of a public who,  by about 4 to 1 ratio,  hated or feared black men, even in the North.
We are told, even by Pulitzer Prize winning historians, sincere men who mean well,   that Lincoln "did not really care"  about slavery,  or that Lincoln only started to care later, for military reasons
  But these well meaning award winners have never even mentioned, as far as men and my research assistant can find, how deeply hated Lincoln was --  IN ILLINOIS!

 When Lincoln opened his mouth,  Stephen A Douglas, his newspapers, and his slave power political allies, already spent years getting crowds to hate and to fear blacks,  and to hate or fear  Lincoln for his actions and his speeches for equality under the law



Lincoln ALREADY-- ALREADY since the 1840's -- was known for his actions against slavery.   Odd indeed that is rarely mentioned, much less taught as basic.

 Lincoln in 1849, for example, wrote and pushed  Congress  legislation to end slavery in District of Columbia.    That did not go  well  for Lincoln -- and Lincoln knew it would not go well.

Lincoln also challenged then President Polk,  in a speech Stephen A Douglas threw in Lincoln's face repeatedly,  about the start of US invasion of Mexico.   Lincoln knew -- as many did,  that Polk manufactured excuses to invade Mexico.   Mexico did not attack  US troops. 

And the reason to attack Mexico? To force Mexicans, by killing,  to give up millions of square miles,  wanted by "slave power" to spread slavery.    How do we teach US invasions and killings of Mexicans?

Typically we claim such absurdities that it was "Manifest Destiny" -- intended by God no less -- to spread US (and slavery) to the Pacific Ocean.  South leaders specifically boasted about spreading slavery to the Pacific for God.

When Lincoln could not stop the slaughter of Mexicans, Lincoln pushed 53 times for legislation in Congress to forbid the spread of slavery into the land US took from Mexico.

Everyone paying attention to slavery and the huge massive new lands slave power would use to spread slavery,  knew that particularly Jeff Davis,  Stephen A Douglas,  and Senator David Rice Atchison,  would do all they could to destroy Lincoln's political life.

So to say Lincoln did not care, or would just use slavery later as an excuse is, no offense,  nearly idiotic.   Four out of five white men in much of Illinois hated or feared black men, as you will see.    

It was politically  costly -- Lincoln lost-- to speak of equality of blacks, in any respect. Personally Lincoln was popular,  from his years of legal work and travel  around the state.    He was popular,  fairly famous as a humorist.

Douglas  and many newspapers trashed Lincoln, often accusing Lincoln and his "friend"  Frederick Douglass (Lincoln did not meet Frederick Douglas until 1862) of being "Negro worshippers"  who wanted a war to exterminate the white race -- on and other with such insults.

And those insults worked.


Illinois already outlawed blacks from moving into Illinois.

It's rare to find a history teacher, at high school level,  that knows Illinois already made it a crime  --a crime! -- for blacks to moving into Illinois.

In the first debate Douglas attacked, claiming Lincoln would force the crowd to accept "Niggers"  and would have white women hug and sleep with black men.

Is that what you want,  Douglas would ask.  Do you want Lincoln to decide for you -- to take away your right to decide? Brilliant deception,  brilliant attack.



It's important to know -- since Stephen Douglas became the defacto national spokesman for Jeff Davis and Dred Scott decision -- Lincoln was eager, desperate really -- to expose Douglas's vile support of Kansas Act and Dred Scott.   Lincoln made this known in the debates,  idiotically often ignored completely by history teachers an text books today. 

That was the entire reason Lincoln followed Douglas around,  and tried so hard to expose Douglas face to face.   Douglas refused to debate Lincoln face to face, until shamed into it.

Douglas himself demanded the format,  and schedule, which naturally he created to best suit his style of attack -- he would be free to pump up the hate and fear of black men, as he typically did, and connect that hate and fear to any political opponent.  Douglas  ALREADY profited politically for years by attacking anyone who dared speak of any rights for blacks,  as "Negro worshippers"  who could have black men sleep with white women.

This was nothing knew -- and Stephen A. Douglas did it more often, more effectively,  in more speeches,  than anyone else, since 1854.   Lincoln knew exactly what he was getting into. 

  Others were attacked  -- physically - in Illinois for speaking for any level of equality for blacks, 


 Powerful attacks that worked. Lincoln lost the Senate race to Douglas because of such attacks. 

So,  far from "using slavery as an excuse"   Lincoln had to be very very careful how he advocated for equal rights -- which he did.    Lincoln lost the early elections, and was widely scorned, even hated, for his words and actions for equality of blacks under the Declaration of Independence.




"Mr. Lincoln is obsessed for equality for the Ni**er"

Not only at the debates -- Douglas spoke far more often and in far more places, than the debates.  If anyone went more places, more often, pumping the hate more than Douglas, Lincoln,  Frederick Douglass,  and historians have yet to find them or mention them.

Douglas was the most prolific speaker of his time.  He drew bigger crowds than anyone else,  including Lincoln and including the President.




  The ugly truth about the debates is this.....almost every history buff or teacher swears they read such documents,  but it is rare indeed that they can tell us the specifics of what Douglas used to trash Lincoln.

More revealing,  seems 95% fail to even mention the Dred Scott decision or Kansas Act. As we explained above  Lincoln sought -- and Douglas ran from -- the debates -- precisely because Douglas was by then essentially the  "national spokesmen" for Dred Scott decision.


Just in case anyone tells you South leaders cared about state's rights...

Of all the slogans we teach as fact,  probably the dumbest is South went to war -- war -- to protect states rights.   Quite the opposite.

South leaders, specifically Jeff Davis as Secretary of War,  by 1856 sent paid killers and US troops to protect those paid killers, because Kansas Citizens were against slavery by a stunning "19 of 20"  citizens.

There was no reason to send anyone anywhere if South was for state's rights.  Kansas citizens were against slavery.  When left alone with out Jeff Davis's paid killers there,  Kansas citizens indeed, exactly as Stephen A Douglas admitted early on,  voted 95% against slavery to became a free state.

Douglas used brass bands, staged parades, sometimes with the crowd carrying him.

He arrived in his own train when possible. Famously his people set off a cannon when Douglas exited his car.

Lincoln had to ride "coach"  at times in the mail car on mail sacks. 

The railroad, owned by Lincoln enemy George McClellan, would not sell him a ticket.  Lincoln did not complain, he just sat on the mail sacks.

 In Charleston Illinois, Douglas had women wear sashes that read, "No Man But A White Man"

Those sashes -- worn across the bosom --  as designed drew attention.   




We teach, stupidly,  Dred Scott in terms of "citizenship."

It would be impossible to white wash it more.

Dred Scott decision essentially ordered that blacks are not to be seen as human beings.  

In the same paragraph,  Taney ordered black must be seen as property.  Then ordered that the federal government itself must protect the spread of slavery.

Which is exactly  how Davis used it, as designed.

Therefore -- Davis was justified to use Texas men to invade Kansas, and justified to send US Troops to protect those Texas men.




  Horace Greeley rightly claimed Douglas was the best "stump" speaker of the era.


 Stephen A Douglas regularly used Frederick Douglass's name to incite hate for years.This was before baseball, before the big Circuses, before Barnum and Bailey.  Getting crowds to cheer was Stephen A Douglas's specialty, in tone, in theatrics, in drama, and in self confidence.


 There is a good reason that four of five white males in Illinois (below Chicago) thought Lincoln wanted their daughters to sleep with ______.

They were told such things, over and over by newspapers, and politicians -- no one was more effective or spoke more often, in more places than Stephen A Douglas. 


In Charleston Illinois, the fifth debate cite,  answered Douglas's question "Is that want  you want?"

They yelled -  as Lincoln got up to speak "Down with Niggers..

Since 1854,  when Douglas pushed Kansas Act throught to help spread slavery, and Lincoln immediately exposed Kansas Act as a vile fraud, Douglas (Stephen A.) had no choice, no other way,  and no interest  in speaking truthfully or candidly from that point forward.


Douglas also got crowds to cheer US invasion of Cuba, Honduras,  Costa Rica cheers to spread US controlled slavery much of Latin America.

Douglas agreed with Jeff Davis of a US empire of slave nations, to include Cuba, Honduras and Costa Rica.  

By 1860 however,  Douglas told others (John Palmer, in 1861) "you have me all wrong."  Douglas was not really on Jeff Davis's side re the invasions of Kansas.

 Rather Douglas was "setting Davis up"  to be taken out militarily sooner.    (Link -- )

Douglas only said such crap after -- after-- he pissed Jeff Davis and the South off. 

The entire time Douglas could get money, cheering crowds,  and political support for helping Davis, so Douglas become President, Douglas did exactly that.


Besides Douglas personally getting Kansas Act passed, and personally becoming national spokesmen to push Dred Scott decision, Douglas  had to push for US invasions of Latin America nations to spread slavery for US,  an obsession of egomaniac Jeff Davis.


Lincoln called Douglas's attacks "knives" and claimed those knives "did not hurt anyone".

 Lincoln knew the knives hurt. Lincoln knew that's why Douglas won. 
Douglas famously bragged about this in the Lincoln Douglas debates (See how Lincoln responded, below. )

He drew the biggest crowds,  he spoke by far in the most places. As much for humor and pumping up US power around the world.  He did essentially whatever Jeff Davis wanted --- including Kansas Act and Dred Scott decision.


 We are taught, even by historians,  that Lincoln  was "reluctant" to end slavery, or "did not really care about slavery till later."

Lincoln was reluctant -- to attempt to violently end slavery, and wisely so.  It could not work.   Because of the vile Dred Scott decision,  as Lincoln explained repeatedly and correctly,  slavery was not a protected right.

That right to spread slavery (which is what Dred Scott created,  by design) could only be removed by Connotational means.

That meant by Constitutional Amendment.

Which is exactly what Lincoln (and others) had to do -- and did.  Get that 13th Amendment passed by Congress and 2/3 of the states. 

Yet from the 1840s Lincoln was one of the most hated and feared political figures -- for exactly the opposite reason.

People were killed, even in Illinois, for saying blacks should have "social equality" which was a buzz word white women might sleep with black men)

For that reason, it  Illinois it was a crime for blacks to move into the state!  

The point is, at the time Lincoln's amazing actions against slavery were well known - used against him repeatedly.

Likewise Lincoln words against slavery were well known, such as his Peoria Speech, 1854, wherein Lincoln said slave owners deserve "contempt kicking and death."


Lincoln's actions against slavery started in 1840's.   Already Lincoln wrote legislation to end slavery in Washington DC.  Already Lincoln pushed for legislation to stop the spread of slavery.  

Lincoln paid a dear price for his actions and words --namely, a bullet to the brain.  The fact he survived as long as he did is a tribute to how carefully and wisely Lincoln spoke.

Frederick Douglass said incited more hate for the black man, and therefore more hate against Lincoln, than anyone else in US history.

Stephen A Douglas.




Douglas was already the most popular speaker in the country. He drew the biggest crowds,  he spoke by far in the most places.

Douglas --- more than anyone of his time ---incited hate of black men, according to Frederick Douglas.

All for political power, for attention, for cheering crowds.

Douglas made sure the audiences know about Lincoln's "Nigger worship"  as Douglas and friends used to say.  And that crowds knew about Lincoln "radical actions.

Lincoln's hand written legislation to end slavery in DC, 1849.   


This video does not include the sexually vulgar terms Douglas used -- but it does show the (cleaned up) basics.

Immediately Douglas attacks Lincoln - the screenwriters left enough: white women will sleep with, hug,  black men.

The reality was far worse....  See video. Link here or click 

Stephen Douglas was already known for "N----" will sleep with your daughter" attacks.   Rather like Donald Trump gets fools  to cheer, laugh, and hate. Douglas did what worked.

Lincoln called Douglas's attacks "knives" and claimed those knives "did not hurt anyone".

 Lincoln knew the knives hurt. Lincoln knew that's why Douglas won. 


According to Chicago and Bloomington papers, 4 out of five white males in much of Illinois hated Lincoln BECUASE Lincoln "wants your daughters to sleep with ___"

The hate and fear pumped by Douglas and others worked.

Lincol knew how Douglas would attack him --  since 1854 this was how Douglas attacked others.

While most people were against slavery, whites in the North hated and feared  the idea blacks could be free socially in the NORTH.

Before and during the debates, even in Illinois it was a crime (!) for blacks to move into the state!  

A fact Douglas used to taunt  Lincoln in the debates,  starting with the first debate in Ottawa Illinois.

Most whites in Illinois had never or rarely interacted with black men, there were so few blacks in much of the state.   

Stephen A Douglas drew the biggest and most enthusiastic crowds in the country,  1854 to 1861.

Crowds showed up to cheer Douglas.   Douglas was more than politics -- he was theater,  dramatic pauses, brass bands, his own cannon and his own personal train car.

Douglas's dramatic entrances (see more below) included young women with their chests covered by sashes "No Man But A White Man."

Douglas saved his "Ni---" attacks for the debates.  The "official" stenographer of the debates,  Robert Hitt, and others cleaned up the more sexually vulgar term.  Hitt was report that Douglas rarely used "Negro" -- it was "N-word" this or that.

And it was very, very effective.


Douglas drew large crowds -- cheering crowds -- in slave states, too. 


The Dred Scott decision is now universally condemned -- Lincoln correctly and repeatedly, at great length, showed Dred Scott was half of the "vile fraud"  or the "machinery"  created by specific men he names, to force slavery to all of the US, North, South,  East and West.

Lincoln named Stephen A Douglas -- it's important to know this --as one of those who created the "machinery" to spread slavery. 

The others included Jeff Davis and Roger Taney.

Douglas's most epic and intense speaking tour, as Lincoln pointed out, was to push the Dred Scott decision.

In each debate, and in each of his in person solo speeches, Douglas did exactly that -- praise the Dred Scott decision.

The Dred Scott decision -- importantly -- essentially ordered the fed gov to help spread slavery.   The decision also ordered that blacks can not be seen as human beings, but must be seen as property.

Property to be protected like any other property - wagons, dogs, 

Douglas drew the biggest and most crowds of anyone of the 1850s -- North and South.  

In fact,  because Slave Power made it a crime to preach or speak publicly against slavery in, there was no way Lincoln or anyone remotely like him could even speak in the South.

A fact Douglas made fun of almost immediately,  to laughing crowds,  from the first debate.  Douglas gloated that he -- Douglas -- was welcome anywhere, but Lincoln dared not go.

Douglas pumped up hate and fear against black males --and was sought after for the bombastic, theatrical way he got crowds to hate.  Much like Trump likes to do now.


A crowd pleaser -- Douglas, in the debates, brought women with him on his own train - women who entered the debate area wearing sashes that read "NO MAN BUT A WHITE MAN" 

to repeat the basic and effective point of the debates -- that Lincoln "wants your daughters to sleep with _______"

Stephen Douglas himself was keenly  aware of the power of hate attacks

Since 1854   Douglas necessarily attacked anyone who accused him (correctly, as it turns out) of passing Kansas Act with US Senator David Rice Atchison and Jeff Davis for the benefit of slave power.

Douglas could not dispute that point -- because he did pass Kansas Act and then become national spokesmen for Dred Scott decision.

Instead -- Douglas changed the issue- - Douglas made the issue "NI**ERS  hugging, kissing, sleeping with your daughter"

It worked.  Four out of five Illinois voters (white males)in much of the state supported Douglas because they feared Lincoln would "destroy the white race."


Southern leaders,  since 1854 bragged they were at war to spread slavery to the Pacific, and by 1856,  sent paid killers to do so, because 95% of Kansas Citizens were against slavery..

The leader of those killers was none other than Stephen A Douglas's personal partner in Kansas Act,  Senator David Rice Atchison. Both men were set to become fabulously wealthy, and Douglas become President, if Douglas could make Kansas a slave state.

Here is link to Douglas's partners speech, boasting about his killing sprees in Kansas.

Senator Atchison, of course famously pushed Douglas from categorical disdain of Kansas Act, to Douglas personally pushing Kansas Act through Congress.

After passing Kansas Act,  Atchison rushed to Kansas, using 800 men from Texas and Missouri to invade, terrorize, later torture and kill Kansas citizens. Atchison bragged to cheering crowds  of  violently spreading slavery to the Pacific.


Jeff Davis himself boasted of spreading slavery to the Pacific as a duty to God. 

 Not just a duty to God,  but as a "Constitutional obligation"  a constitutional obligation,  per the Dred Scott decision!

Davis himself had major, even controlling role in passing Kansas Act, and in selling the Dred Scott decision to the South.



Lincoln himself, in the debates spoke of what most people already knew.  Stephen A Douglas,  already -- already --became effectively the National salesmen for Dred Scott decision (as you can tell by the video provide)

Senator Douglas, by the way,  went with Atchison and Jeff Davis to explain Kansas Act to President Pierce in a way Pierce would forever believe Kansas Act was a gift to Kansas Citizens to decide slavery themselves.

Never mind that 95% of Kansas citizens were against slavery -- Atchison used Texas and Missouri men to invade, torture and kill to spread slavery, and bragged of it, regardless.

Jeff Davis, Atchison and Stephen Douglas were all exceedingly aware 95% of Kansas Citizens were against slavery.

It was Douglas himself who explained that first -- that 19 of 20 Kansas Citizens were against slavery.

No single fact is more important than this.,  no single fact is less taught than this.


Soon after Davis Atchison and Douglas had Pierce sign Kansas Act, Atchison vanished from DC.

Weeks later Atchison shows up in Kansas personally.   Davis named Atchison "General of Law and Order" in Kansas.

 Davis Rice Atchison met about 800, men already waiting for him.  Men already armed with weapons from Federal stockpiles,  with permission of Secretary of War--- Jeff Davis.

Rather than allow Kansas Citizens to vote on slavery (95% of Kansas Citizens were well known to be against slavery) Atchison's armed men invaded, terrorized citizens and  took over all voting places.

It was just days until Atchison's men were killing Kansas citizens.


It was Jeff Davis and David Rice Atchison with Stephen A Douglas, who talked President Pierce into signing Douglas' Kansas.


From that moment on, Abraham Lincoln (and hundreds of others) correctly saw Kansas Act as a "vile fraud"   from the start --- to spread slavery to the Pacific.

And most important of all -- to spread slavery AGAINST states rights, not for states rights.



JEFF DAVIS (as planned,  as designed) used Dred Scott decision to justify spreading slavery AGAINST states rights.  

Lincoln, over and over,  then again, and again, correctly and in detail, at great length, cited the Dred Scott decision as making it impossible for states to reject slavery.

Davis cited the same thing! Only Davis justified the  invasions and killings because of Dred Scott decision.


For one thing, hate and fear mongers are rewarded --often with cheering crowds, attention, and political power.

When Frederick Douglass said that Stephen A Douglas did more to incite hatred of the black man than anyone of that era, Douglass knew what he was talking about.   

He knew that because he was there, and, like everyone else, knew Stephen A Douglas spoke to more crowds, in more places,  and pumped up those crowds with hate and fear,

Douglass also knew -- it worked.   

Douglas had to outdo the others accusing Lincoln of "wanting Negroes to sleep with your daughter.

Not just speak more places,  but with more drama -- for example Douglas had women at his speeches with their chests covered with sashes that read "NO MAN BUT A WHITE MAN" -- a direct and visual slap at Lincoln for supposedly wanting white women to sleep with black men

Frederick Douglass also knew that Stephen A Douglas would march side to side on the stage,  asking crowds things like "Is that what you want -- your wife walking down the street with ______?

And then follow that up with "Is that what you want, your daughters hugging or sleeping with _______?

None of that is taught today.   Nothing was more important then.



Lincoln called Douglas's vile attacks "knives" -- then said the knives "did not hurt anybody."

Lincoln knew better.

Douglas had ALREADY pumped up hate to  cause his Senate adversary  Charles Sumner to be beaten almost to death 1858.

Before Sumner was beaten,  Douglas told him he should "be beaten like a dog."

Hours later,  Sumner was beaten like a Dog.

Do you see the small man laughing as Sumner was beaten?

That laughing man was Stephen A Douglas.





Lincoln was right - because South leaders (Jeff Davis most of all) used specific words in Dred Scott decision and in Kansas Act to declare the federal government must protect the spread of slavery.

Not just protect slavery, but protect the SPREAD of slavery.

It was intolerable -- intolerable -- for Kansas citizens to reject slavery,  though 95% of Kansas Citizens were against slavery, and everyone knew it.  Especially Davis knew knew it.  That is why he sent the Texas men and US troops to protect the Texas men.


Davis did not care that Dred Scott decision came in 1857, and Davis sent the paid killers and US troops in 1856.  

 In writing, in his own book "Rise and Fall" Davis cited word for word from the decision.


Even historians like James McPherson in his book, failed to notice the absurd trick Davis pulled, when Davis failed to mention in any candid way that Davis personally sent those Texas killers to Kansas 1856, and sent US troops to protect those killers.

Sending the paid killers Davis justified by Dred Scott, and sending US troops to protect those paid men, was 18 months BEFORE the Dred Scott decision!



One lives. One dies. Slavery or Union.

  Lincoln vowed he would make sure (and he did make sure) that Union did not die -- but slavery did die, in the only way that could work -- by Constitutional Amendment.



For months after Stephen A Douglas became essentially the "National Salesman"  for the vile Dred Scott decision, Lincoln tried to get Douglas to debate Dred Scott decision, face to face.

Douglas would not debate.

If Lincoln showed up at one of Douglas's many speeches (no one spoke more often, or went more places to speak, that Douglas,  North and South) Douglas would talk so long it grew dark and the crowd thinned out.  

Douglas did not allow Lincoln to get on the speakers stand.

Douglas was shamed by various newspapers, even those that supported him, for not debating Lincoln.

Finally Douglas agreed-- if he could set the rules, the schedule, and the cities.

 Douglas made sure Lincoln could not, by the rules,  ask him direct questions. 

 Douglas created the format-- so honored today --  to let Douglas give his attacks, to rant and rave how Lincoln "wanted your daughters to sleep with ___" 

Lincoln had to shut up until it was his term.

There were three times in the debate Douglas lied so disgustingly, so horribly, Lincoln had to be pulled away by his men, ready to do so. 
